
Original Sources for Mine of Family History

Monday, October 17, 2005

Lady Milner Deputises, Winner disqualified

Transcript of the first part of this clipping about the flower show that mysteriously went ahead in Grandad’s field , after Reggie was found dead a couple of hundred yards away.

Snowdon Flower Show

Competitor disqualified for not exhibiting own growths.

The second flower show of the Snowdon and district cottage garden association was held in Mr. Clark’s meadow, Snowdon on Saturday.

The show, which was favoured by beautiful weather, was opened by Mrs. Plumtre, who deputized for Lady Milner. She was presented with a bouquet by little Miss Jefferies. The exhibits were arranged in a large marquee and were inspected by a big crowd of people during the day, and many expressed admiration at the quality of the produce displayed. The Canterbury British Legion band played selections during the afternoon, and at the numerous sideshows there was plenty of amusement to be found.

It was discovered after the exhibits had been judged that one of the competitors who had been awarded 6 first, 1 second and 2 third prizes, had not grown the produce he was exhibiting> He was immediately disqualified.

The judges, Messrs Compton, Andrews and W Sayer, gave their decisions as follows;-

I haven’t transcribed the winners names thru some have started to become familiar- I’ll come back to them

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